For the Poli house, in Chili, a visitors/information centre has been designed. One is based on the design principles of Tadao Ando, the other is my own. Both centres contain the same program, a shop, a bar and a presentation room are the main elements. Both are also located on the same spot, allowing a view from the visitors centre to the place which is to be visited, the Poli house. The rough terrain is emphasised by giving the visitors the feeling of being one with the environment. The pictures which are first following this text are from my own design. On the approach people walk on the roof, which then functions as a guide to the Poli house. Descending
the stairs gives access to the shop, bar and presentation room. When seated in the bar and looking outside, a window to the side gives a view of the ocean. The rocky environment penetrates the building through this hole in the wall, emphasising the special location of the building. The information centre inspired on Tadao Ando, is open planned. Dividing two halves of the building is a sight, focusing the view on the Poli house. On the upper floor is the bar, whilst the presentation room is located on the lower floor due to the lack of light there. On the entry level a shop is located, which connects the staircases.